Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Marketing mentalities.

This is some thing that i observed in two of the best performers in my company, both talented in generating leads. Both were creative and capable people. One adopted a very broad based approach of reaching out to a larger base of clients to accomplish his targets. The other followed a limited approach were he focused on few clients at a time. Both were talented but only one was successful, only the one who went the extra mile to sell the products to his customer was effective in selling the products and produce fruitful ending. The product they sold was meetings and the end result was managers signing up deals with the companies.

The focused approach and the blind approach is effective in their own way. When both are combined to have a balanced approach then may be a balanced effective way might be formed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Falling in love with

Love is on the air these days. Not the one for the humans, but for the electronics we use. The extraordinary evolution is taking place by being connected to all and around far far away the love for people is completely focused on one object. So for all the loneliest of hearts i guess you can find love now for a price. I for one am feeling the love for them already, the ones with the best always seems the best. I grew up in a time when i was not used to the lot. But when i grew up a lot changed and evolved around\d me with which  i didn't want to associate with but, men love for things around is beyond the possibility. i went around trying to figure out how much the love as spread, we are doing all the things that are favored by us through the devices that we forgot that our human touch is disappearing a lot. but we are too busy to notice the change and the change is becoming the norm not so good.