Sunday, September 15, 2013

A trainer’s day out assisted by a dead man’s words

My own words resonating through me while I spoke the words of motivation to the audience of twenty I am not sure if it meant any thing to them heads shook, few eyebrows bent. But I didn’t know what the result was, calmness lasted more than an hour went by. And no one spoke I didn’t let anyone to speak, I spoke from my heart no amount of preparation can help a weak mind. The speech only confirmed me one thing that I knew well about the things that happens in an human mind… the thought arouse and inspiring words of a dead man used to inspire the living men… I only laughed to myself a dead man helped me to talk. I saw the audience eyes, for i realized that the silence lasted far too long.  None where a sleep there eyes glued to me. No more appreciation is needed for the trainer but an vigil audience. I put my brains in full drive to keep it going. Finally the video ended the man’s last words in the video was stay hungry stay foolish. What a word told me stories of how we have ended up becoming just being foolish and the hunger vanished long back …………