Saturday, July 2, 2011


I am on a roll writing about the simple things of life in my blog.  It caught my fancy recently and it created thoughts of what could have been if the world as not changed. Wondering how simplest of things made people happy. How we managed to complicate the most basic things in life and struggle to cope with it. How the advertising as changed the worlds view, from social benefit to the individuals benefit. The everyday problems in life as become so hard to challenge and questions may well be answered by something called simplicity. Why would we have to struggle in life if the people stuck to their basic needs and there shall be no inflation or shortage? Yet in today’s world the active promotion of individualism has been promoted to make people forget the concept of sharing. Sometimes the mammoth of problems can be simplified and made better.  Braking life’s work in pieces will help in getting rid of the strain and allowing us to know what we can do and not to do. May be simple things don’t appeal as much now as before.
Simplicity sounds so nice these days to me that, Buddhism seems like a perfect religion. Simple things can touch people’s hearts. Make a lot of difference in people’s life.  But, we have complicated everything in our life to such an extent, that simplicity is no longer that simple. We have complicated the world so much being simple is no longer easy. But, the beauty of it can never be ignored. A simple smile on child’s face. The simple gesture that can show love, simple presence of loved one, the simple beauty of the nature. Though simple things make our life wonderful the constant push to complicate things never stops. As we get used to a new technology a newer technology arises to create the desire. Wondering since there are no limits to imaginations I guess there is no limit to the technology and no limits to the complications.

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