Friday, September 13, 2019

Why you would be a looser in the "Share Market" Part 2

 Walking through my street, i saw a group of kids playing cricket. The kid doing the batting was playing really well. He playing the right shots and the ball was going the right directions. But, this was not to last .. There was a change in the bowling, the new bowler seems to know the batsmen style. He made the batsmen, make mistakes. Eventually the batting kid is out off the game. The story is same for you and me too. We all know the game of cricket, we know how to play, bowl, spin and field.. The only problem is the mindset, there is always a situation or someone, who will bowl you out.. The game is simple, its the pitch thats unpredictable.

              Similarly, the day is unpredictable in the market. I have seen market gurus fumble, while trying to explain the markets. The trends are always against them, its never do this and it will work game. Its do this and make others to loose game. There are people who are watching our every move, they know how we trade.. Also there are traders, who come together by shear luck or news. The news may be insider.. There are three kind of people..

  1. market movers
  2. Insider traders
Market Movers tend to read the market and can either move it against you or they can move it in favor of you. 

Insider Traders trade based on the news that is leaked from an organization or government.

Followers are traders who follow the trade direction, giving strength to the market movers and inside traders.. 

  Among the three traders, only one is dangerous market movers. They can change the directions of the market at the most favorable situation for them. These traders are smart and have all the data in hand even before you and me. Its because of these traders that i would rather wait and watch than go with the flow. Its better to pounce like a tiger, than follow like a Sheep. We will get slaughtered, by the Jackel. 
  But, even a tiger can miss!!

There certain indicators, which as helped me to find the market directions... Which i am still trying to understand and become better at. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Democracy Unfulfilled ( A dictatorship in disguise)

In 1947 a nation achieved its independence, from a foreign ruler. A nation ruled by many foreigners, this is not something new. But, what this person bad among them all is that, he didn't make this land one of his own. Thus, we needed a freedom from the white ruler. A nation with diversity can only exist in one form, Democracy!!!

           The democracy is incomplete without representation by the people. We did have good people, good leaders, who fought for our freedom. The people who led our people to freedom, they are either born leaders or created as one. But, we had our representatives. They served the nation as they fought for it. They could be trusted and voted for. They have done their part in the nation building and people building. But, as years passed and many elections with it. We are facing the drought like never before. Not only that of the water. But, also that of Leaders. We are in the making of Democratic dictatorship, with one leader to Rule them all.. Ex: Congress is begging for a leader not willing. In Tamilnadu, the AIADMK is asking for a leader to unite them all. The same way a dictatorship creates a vacuum, when the dictator dies.
                                      We have built a Dam on a dying river. The dam is only as good as its ability to collect and hold water. Likewise the democracy is only as good as its ability to elect and hold good leaders. When the water dries out, so does the use of dam, likewise when the leaders dry out. so does the death of democracy. We have failed to create leadership grooming system.
                                  Romans used to select the best generals as their leaders. Where do we select our leaders from? Sons of leaders are starting become leaders. The failure to groom a leader or to find a leader would make us into A Dictatorship in Disguise. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Why you would be a looser in share market..

The market of dreams.. Makes u poorer more than richer .
 Part 1
Do u want to know if you will be good in share market??
Are you a starter??
Then ur in the right place..
Why you would make loss in the market is  more related to our reaction to the dangers.. Risk and success are more related. But, if ur decision is based on gut feeling and few success and charts. Please stay away.. Market is like a jungle, where ur every movement is watched by a predator, Who wants to eat you.. If your scared of the jungle, going alone then this might be not ur place.. Over coming fear is the first step to it ... But, it's just the first step.. The predator don't care if ur brave, it will test you .. Then come probability, how many times can u overcome this fear.. It will give the consistency.. Then comes how much damage u can take..
The more damage u take the stronger u will become.. But, the important factor is not to be outsmarted by the trader.  

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The End Of The Civilization( Extinction of a dodo bird)

The rise of the civilization happens with the most creative and most respected person at the helm. When such civilization rises, so does the people who want to exploit it. When alexander came to control the most refined army that his dad created. he set out to take control of the world. When he fell, people jumped into the chance of taking control of his land and his name. They split his empire and enjoyed its exploits, rather than taking further. They settled with the fact that they are the best, then they settled and settled. Till a newer enemy got developed. The same is for us!!

The Death Of the DODO Bird

What killed this bird? The Movie "ICE AGE" portrayed this bird as dumb and unprepared for the climate change. But, did any one care to this bird lost is flight and its ability to defend itself. The very point that it stayed in a island away from any predators is a good place to start. How does this apply to us the human dodo.With the rise of the globalization, we humans are sitting on the biggest island in the world " earth". By eliminating all the natural predators in the world we have no more reason to become evolutionary strong. Our body is designed to discard wassteful evolutionary advances. hence making us more and more weaker as time passes by. Thus making us the Human DODO.

End Of Civilizations.

Trained to end our self. With corporates finding ways to speed that process. As we go to the top of food chain, the need for any improvement reduces. Thus ending up loosing all the best traits.. what happens then is simply nature's process.