Sunday, November 6, 2011

My off day

It was a dull Sunday morning, convincing me It will be an off day. With the electricity being out, all my devices stopping to working together I got bored to the core, so much so that the old magazine bought long time back started to look attractive. “Gods wanted me to read a book today”, I exclaimed. Mustering all my focus I took up the DARE magazine and was browsing through the pages as slow as possible, it got interesting when I reached a page containing the story about an entrepreneur who started organizing the Indian autorickshaw sector an idea which I always had,  at the end of it I was filled with pride that I too thought about it and exclaimed to myself “I can change the world If I desired”, As  soon as I had this thought “ where can you change the world when you cannot change yourself “ highlighted my inner voice. All, the pride fell to ground as dust. Closing the magazine in my hand, I again exclaimed: “shoot, today is really an off day”. 


My Unfinished Life said...

haha, yeah some days one feels really doing nothing..not even the things one is fond reading or listening to music!!

RamesH said...

hi thanks for sharing your views.

nims said...

man that was like really hardcore stuff man.. we have all gone through such a phase in life, haven't we?

RamesH said...

Thanks dude, i guess so. especially people like us da. :)