Sunday, January 6, 2019

The End Of The Civilization( Extinction of a dodo bird)

The rise of the civilization happens with the most creative and most respected person at the helm. When such civilization rises, so does the people who want to exploit it. When alexander came to control the most refined army that his dad created. he set out to take control of the world. When he fell, people jumped into the chance of taking control of his land and his name. They split his empire and enjoyed its exploits, rather than taking further. They settled with the fact that they are the best, then they settled and settled. Till a newer enemy got developed. The same is for us!!

The Death Of the DODO Bird

What killed this bird? The Movie "ICE AGE" portrayed this bird as dumb and unprepared for the climate change. But, did any one care to this bird lost is flight and its ability to defend itself. The very point that it stayed in a island away from any predators is a good place to start. How does this apply to us the human dodo.With the rise of the globalization, we humans are sitting on the biggest island in the world " earth". By eliminating all the natural predators in the world we have no more reason to become evolutionary strong. Our body is designed to discard wassteful evolutionary advances. hence making us more and more weaker as time passes by. Thus making us the Human DODO.

End Of Civilizations.

Trained to end our self. With corporates finding ways to speed that process. As we go to the top of food chain, the need for any improvement reduces. Thus ending up loosing all the best traits.. what happens then is simply nature's process.

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